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China Manned Space Program Logo and Names of Space Station and Cargo Ship Officially Released

The logo of China Manned Space Program and names of space station and cargo ship were officially released by China Manned Space Agency.

The logo of China Manned Space Program is shown as follows, with the Chinese version on the left and the English version on the right. (CMS stands for the acronym of China Manned Space.)

The names of China’s manned space station, its modules and cargo spaceship are listed as follows:
China’s manned space station is named "Tiangong"  (abbr. TG ).

The core module is named "Tianhe" (abbr. TH ).

Experimental Module-1 is named "Wentian" (abbr. WT).

Experimental Module-2 is named "Xuntian" (abbr. XT).

The cargo spaceship is named "Tianzhou" (abbr. TZ).

The spokesman of China Manned Space Agency emphasized that China Manned Space Program will start to use the new logo from the day when the logo was disclosed and that the related documents and news release should adopt the new standard names and abbreviation.

According to the spokesman, the logo of China Manned Space Engineering is similar both to Chinese character “中”(zhong) and to the basic structure of a space station. The end of the calligraphy touches looks like a rocket blasting off. Filled with Chinese elements and space features, the logo is beautiful in structure and profound in connotation.

"When choosing names for China's manned space station, its modules and cargo spaceship, we not only put emphasis on the implications of names but also ensure that the names are systematic, harmonious and complementary," he added.

China Manned Space Agency has initiated a solicitation for proposals of names from the social public since April, 2011. In total, over 100,000 names and 9,000 logos have been collected. Based on the proposals from the public, through extensive consultation with project leaders, experts as well as the researchers, the final logo and names listed above were confirmed, which has also been approved by the central government.

Prizes will be awarded to those who proposed inspiring names in the following weeks. (By Yu Yanjuan)