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TT & Cand Communications

The Tracking, Telemetry & Command and Communication System is mainly designed for carrying out the ground measurements of and the control over spaceflight tests. Based on the original satellite tracking, telemetry & command and communication network, a unified S-band TT&C and C system that is up to the international standard and could be networked internationally has been set up.Now, a land-sea-space-based TT&C and C network for manned space flight has already been established, which is consist of three aerospace command and control centers (namely, Beijing, Dongfeng and Xi’an Aerospace Command and Control Center), a number of fixed TT&C stations (situated in Weinan ,Qingdao,ect.), several abroad TT&C stations (in Karachi, Malindi and Namibia), four “Yuanwang” tracking ships and “Tianlian” relay satellites.